The purpose of Student Leadership Teams is to encourage students to develop leadership and service qualities in whatever area of ministry God has placed on their hearts. SLTs also helps students find their place in the ministry. These teams are primarily concerned with Sunday morning and Wednesday night Bible classes. They are concerned with helping the students invest in their youth ministry as well as to prepare them for transitioning into the larger Church after youth group. We currently have 6 teams: Drama, Worship, Greeting/In-Reach, Speaking, Audio Visual, and Bulletin Board.
For the Students:
This is not just another project for you to add to your already busy to-do list. This is your youth group!
It can be whatever you want it to be! One of the reasons SYG is so great is because every student is working to help make it better. SLTs give you the power to take ownership of your Bible classes. Help us be creative in honoring God!
For Parents:
As a parent we hope you will help encourage your student to get involved with a SLT. We believe that this is a great opportunity for students to find a place in the youth ministry where they can belong. Students have a wonderful opportunity to develop these teams in whatever way they feel best impacts the youth group.