Our Purpose...

    Our purpose is to develop the spiritual maturity of every student through theological understanding, Christian virtues, and wide range of healthy relationships.

    Sunset Youth Group

    Sunset Youth Group (SYG) is made up of middle school and high school students who seek to know God better and build healthy relationships with those around them. Together with a loving group of volunteers and leaders, SYG strives to mature in its faith, and reach out to those who are seeking to find spiritual answers to life's questions. By studying God's word, spending time with wise adults, praying and worshiping God, the students of SYG become more spiritually mature. SYG welcomes anyone to join us as we get to know the one true God better and better each day.

    The Visioning Document

    "What would a spiritually mature high school senior look like after going six years through a strong youth ministry program?" That was the driving question that helped us develop the purpose for SYG. After spending a lot of time praying and researching for answers to that question, the Youth Leadership Team has written the spiritual attributes we believe are a part of every spiritually mature student. The Visioning Document is how we help parents, students, and volunteers understand common attributes of healthy students. Our entire program is centered around helping students grow in these areas. Every program, event, and Bible class topic finds its guidance and direction from this document. It keeps us focused and accountable to our overall purpose: "...to develop the spiritual maturity of every student through theological understanding, Christian virtues, and a wide range of healthy relationships."